As the only food reducing weight black is the advantage of the obvious.
It cooked porridge taste good after, can accept good sex, add a few
pickle silk, eat up and feel like a normal meal. Because of 90% above
is moisture porridge, very low energy, drink two bowls and could not
eat too much. At the same time, the black belong to brown rice, its
fiber is higher, full abdomen feeling is stronger, ate the black after
porridge, eat the same amount of milled rice is not easy to feel hunger
fruta planta can depress your apetite.
In nutrients, the black, there are many advantages. It contains plenty
of carbohydrates, protein quantity slightly low, but the quality is
better than any other food, fat is low, but in rice embryo with a small
amount of essential fatty acid and vitamin E, besides B12 outside of
the B vitamin rich content, there are quite a number of potassium,
magnesium, iron and other trace elements and many rich than the white
In addition, the black law reducing weight weight loss than speed
protein law reducing weight fast, but relatively stable and not easy
rebound. Security is also high, two weeks will not bring discomfort
reaction.fruta planta really works well on losing weight.
But, regardless of which one food, if food every day, repeatedly
eating, also hard to avoid can appetite declining, a kind of any
natural food all can not provide all the nutrients necessary for
health. The black doesn’t contain vitamin C and vitamin B12, no vitamin
AD and calcium content is very is insufficient. So, if eat black
porridge to reduce weight, suggest added a variety of vegetables,
especially green leafy vegetables and orange vegetables, and do more
outdoor activities. When cook vegetables as long as oil or make it less
put oil can be cold, do not increase the risk of get fat.there is no
side effects on Zhen De Shou
In addition, best can calcium and other nutriment bolus. If more than
half a month to use this method, still need to increase low fat of
protein food.